2017 Student Speaker Series - ATL Skills for the Year 10 Personal Project (PP)

February 01, 2017 - December 20, 2017

IB Schools Australasia are pleased to announce the introduction of the Student Speaker Series available only to member schools.

This new service provided by IB Schools Australasia will bring a notable expert to your school to empower students to make their thinking visible (metacognition) by deepening their awareness of, and use of, Approaches to Learning for their Personal Project.

Date/s: Dates are available throughout 2017 on request

Program length: 1.5 hours

Cost: $600 per event (up to 140 students)plus a share of flights, accommodation, transfers and meals as required for schools outside South Australia

Program Details:

This is an interactive session that uses stimulating examples to help students to visualizing their thinking processes. The session is designed to maximise student engagement early in the Personal Project yet can be adapted for lower year levels.

Professional development for staff that connects with ‘ATL Skills for the Year 10 Personal Project’ is also available. Please contact Rebecca Hammond at [email protected] for further information.

Program Outline:

  1. Introduction by PP coordinator or Year 10 coordinator on why this session has been arranged for the students (5 mins).
  2. ‘L Plater’ and SAs requirements: students derive the ATL skills in a small-group to large-group controversial activity (30 mins).
  3. Personal Project worked example, based on “L Plater’ (20 mins)
  4. Clarify ideas for the PP: students work in threes and report back (20 mins).
  5. What to do next in the PP? (5 mins)

About the Presenter:

From 1992 to 2004 John taught Secondary Science students, R-6 Gifted and Talented students, was an Upper School Coordinator and lectured in Early Childhood and Primary Teacher Education at Curtin University. For the past 12 years he has conducted courses in Secondary and Higher Education at the University of Adelaide, where he is a Senior Lecturer. He is interested in the ways that students’ research skills and developed, and in how to flip learning with contemporary technologies in ways that complement face to face interaction.  http://researchers.adelaide.edu.au/profile/john.willison

For more information and to book an event please contact:

Rebecca Hammond, Executive Assistant, IB Schools Australasia

Email: [email protected]

Mobile: +61 (0)407 325 735


Person Rebecca Hammond
Email [email protected]
Phone +61 (0)407 325 735


This event is associated with 1 IB Schools Australasia network:

  • South Australian Middle Years Programme Coordinators (SAMYP)
Last updated March 22, 2017 03:34