Holy Trinity Primary School and Early Learning Centre

Holy Trinity Primary School opened in October, 1966 and it has a unique place in the history of the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn as the first school funded by the Commonwealth Government. It was established as a parish school lead by the Sisters of Charity who staffed the school from 1966 -1988. The strong relationships developed in those days between the school, the parish and the local community are the foundation of the school community and these very strong relationships continue to this day.

The school charism has its foundation in the Holy Trinity and the words; Faith, Hope and Love. Inspired by the values inherent in the scriptures, 1 Corinthians 13; ‘And now faith hope and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love we place Christ at the centre of all we do. We promote student success through challenging programs that meet the diverse learning needs and the unique potential of the each student. We aspire to provide the foundation for our students to become compassionate Catholic leaders of the future.

We endeavour to empower our students to live a good life in which they use their individual strengths and virtues to find and have abundant grace in their lives. We want them to learn with passion and curiosity.  This belief is enacted through our shared values which nourish and support our school vision, culture and identity.  The words of Faith, Hope and Love encapsulate what is important and the essence of our identity as a Catholic school.

Creating an engaged learning community is paramount and our mandate as a school. We do this by developing, planning and teaching using an inquiry approach. In early 2013 we were accepted as a candidate school and we were authorised as an IB school implementing the PYP in 2015. This inquiry approach, embedded in the PYP program continues to be our Curriculum framework, which encompasses our Catholic ethos, and school Mission and Vision.

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(+61) 2 6281 4811
(+61) 2 6281 4005


Primary Years Programme (PYP)

The Primary Years Programme is embedded from Early Learning Centre through to Year 6. The Programme of Inquiry is developed with consideration for the National Australian Curriculum. The school’s mission is to inspire connections with a focus on developing curious, inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who are responsible for creating a compassionate and more peaceful world in the future.